
Sneakers - The Story, the Fun and the fantastic Look

Nike - Just do it
Sneakers as Fetish
Gay joy and fun with Sneakers
Cum + HIV & AIDS
Gays as old as mankind

Is it hard for you to find the right Fetishes really turning you on?

Oh yes, there are millions of things to chose from, and maybe this site can help Youngsters and Biginners chosing the right Fetishes - at least when it comes to Sneakers. Remember you can not say you don't like a thing until you've tried it out in practice. So please keep on reading ...

Don't you know what a Fetish is?    Please start by redaing  "Fetish the Story" first

Let's start with the beginning of sexy footewar: We’ve had some real tough Cowboys with stylish Cowboy Boots riding on beautiful horses, living a real rough and dangerous life in the old wild west

The Pony Express

We’ve had some real handsome good-looking men like James Dean too, using sexy Cowboy Boots or x-pointed shoes, riding in real cool cars, and on some nice hot sexy motorbikes, living an extatic and "dangerous" life as well ...

James Dean
James Dean
James Dean
James Dean Cowboy Boots

Today the horses are replaced with skateboards and the sexy Cowboy Boots with some colourful, fancy, hot and sexy Sneakers, but still we're risking the life in mind-blowing stunts and dangreous action ...

Justin Bieber - Greatest Sneaker Fetishist Ever

I think all these brave good-looking young men and their fancy, hot and sexy Sneakers deserve some honour and glory, and some space in the history as well - but ...

How did actually Sneakers occur into this world?

In the 1800's a London Police Officer developed a rubber soled shoe in order to catch criminals in the act quietly; he even called his invention Sneakers. The name derives from the fact that the rubber soles made the shoes almost noiseless.

The term "sneaker" itself was also used in 1887 by Boston Journal of Education: “It is only the harassed schoolmaster who can fully appreciate the pertinence of the name boys gave to tennis shoes — sneakers.”

The problem was that   rubber soles was not very durable, requiring new pairs after only a few uses. They were mainly a luxury for the wealthy and their usefulness never really translated to the general public in England.


Charles Goodyear  - making the real changes in rubber

American inventor Charles Goodyear changed everything in 1853 when he patented the process of vulcanizing  rubber. By adding sulfur to the rubber at high heat, the cooled product would be a much firmer, more durable form of rubber, but it was Charles Goodyear’s son, Charles Goodyear Jr., who saw an opportunity to bring his father’s invention into the world of footwear.

Goodyear Patent
Charles Goodyear

Various Brands of Sneakers occupies the entire world by storm

A pet child has many names and we know sneakers gradually as running shoes, training shoes or trainers, skate shoes, chucks, kicks, kiffeurs, kiffs, etc. They have nicknames around the world depending on each country's language, application, appearance, and not least the design may be named after major sports stars and celebrities.

There is nodoubt; sports and athletes are the very reason why sneakers have become world famous, and the very first athletes or sports shoes occurred around 1860 in England and the United States and was intended for croquet. They were made out of canvas and had a very flexible rubber sole. These canvas shoe swere made exclusively for sports only for a long time, but got common as affordab leleisure and summer shoes in the 1950's and 1960's for children and young people. When jogging became popular in the 1970’s, we got the lightweight running shoes with thicker soles, their own design, which is constantly evolving.

Have to have it – just have to have it!

The biggest reason for their popularity is guaranteed sponsorship of sport and athletes, not to mention various idols the world over being paid to use just their products, even as a private person. This has made the use of sneakers as correct etiquette in every occasion and in conjunction with whatever you would want. Today, for example, it’s even legal to use white Adidas Superstar for both tuxedos and tails and even to the wedding dress at weddings. 

Many people today have nothing but sneakers, and to some they’ve even become like a passion or a great obsession out of the ordinary. Yes, just like Moses and the others in the Bible always are depicted in desert sandals, just like cowboys not being able to live, ride, bath or love without their practical cowboy boots, there are many people today who couldn’t imagine a life without their comfortable sneakers. Skaters have become the cowboys of today, riding their boards (read horses) of all kinds. What’s the next? 

But if you are satisfied with one thing - why switch to something that is second best? And with this as a background, we’ve tried to portray the most famous brands in Norway as Adidas, Buffalo, Converse, DC, DVS, Nike, Osiris, Puma, Reebok, Supra, and Vans.

Osiris Bronx
Buffalo Classic


Start exploring your own sexy Sneakers

Now it's just to start planning what, how and when you want to enjoy your sexy sneakers together with your partner.


Adidas Cindeella