Sneaker Fetish

Sneakers  -  as a sexy Fetish  -  is that really possible?

Nike - Just do it
Sneakers as Fetish
Gay joy and fun with Sneakers
Cum + HIV & AIDS
Gays as old as mankind

Fetishes are just as important as herbs and spices making nice and tasty food.

No fetishes = no fun or satisfaction.

Herbs & Spices

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Fetish is a descendant of French fétichisme; meaning things with a supernatural power, cultivated religiously, used as a purpose for sexual arousal a person receives from a physical object or from a specific situation.  With other words; fetishes is what you find attractive or fancy sexually by another person, whether it’s how one looks, are wearing or are doing.

The truth is most people like, have and use fetishes without thinking about it. Looking for a partner some get attracted to long, short, light or dark hair. Some prefer fat or skinny ones, some nice butts, hands or feet, or even being tickled or licked between their toes.

Very often, we look at one’s shoes, clothes or accessories that one finds sexually attractive – and all are fetishes or a kind of sexual obsession as long as the “thing” has any connection to a sexual thought or desire. As you see, humanity has used fetishes from the dawn and why stop now?

They use to say; Men like girls dressed in leather because it smells similar to a brand new luxurious car with leather seats and interior. It’s even common to have more than one fetish and there are no limitations to what a fetish can be. It’s been said, if it exists, there is someone with a fetish for it.

However, when you ask somebody if they do you have fetishes, most perceive it as something negative, bad or ugly. Why? What is wrong about thinking a nice butt is attractive? What is wrong by wearing nice shoes, high heels, fancy sneakers, cowboy boots, jeans, denim or even clothes made out of nylon, latex, leather or even rubber? What is wrong if one would like one’s partner to be a cheerleader, nurse or even a teacher when having sex?

The truth is that most cultures/religions have had and used fetishes in all ages, and if you read the original text of the Bible or other religious books they neither write about or condemn the use of fetishes. In Christianity, it began with Constantine the Great. When he became Christian he saw the opportunity to get the complete control over his population (even their sex-life) making a connection between the state and the church, proclaiming himself as both Pontifex Maximus (the head of the church) as well as an emperor. In addition, and after him, there have been countless of power-hungry and domineering rulers, priests and clergy in all sorts of states/religions who unfortunately have contributed to the condemnation of sexual behaviour that has been completely normal from the dawn.

CONCLUSION: If you’re normal; you will like, have and use fetishes. If you don’t know what your fetishes are yet, please start exploring to see what turns you on sexually making you horny. If you love seeing, playing and having fun with sexy Sneakers and Boys in Sneakers, please enjoy it to the fullest, get completely satisfied, having the very best sex life ever.

Fetishes we are used to see
What is a normal Fetish
Sneaker Sniffer - Nike Air Force 1
Justin Bieber - Biggest Sneaker Fetishist Ever

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Sneakers as a fetish: Where does it come from?

In the Hetero World, many men are on high-heels with their girlfriend, but in the gay area, the wearing of high-heels is not very common. There are occasional women's wearers, but this is not a phenomenon of the gay scene. Instead, many gay men are on sneakers. Osiris, Converse, White Nike Air Force 1, Shox, DVS and DC sneakers are just a selection of favourites. However, not everyone who has a sneaker fetish stands on all kinds of sneakers.

There are different forms of sneaker fetish. This makes this fetish very interesting. But where does sneaker fetish come from? No one has really been able to answer this question.

Back to the Future
Nike Air Mag

Sneakers as a fetish: Who, when and why did it start?

Who of you knows the movie "Back to the Future"? There was one of the first product placements in a film, and in the 80s, the boys, who were between 9 and 16 years old, wanted the sneakers from the movie, but what kind of shoes are it, the Nike Air Mags, it's about flying through magnetic shoes, so the name "Mag".

At that time the sneakers were specially developed for the film. And the scenes showed very dominant these sneakers. A successful marketing, which the young people at that time bound to their brand. Today the people are between 35 and 40 years old. But the habits of wearing sneakers have changed little.

From cult to fetish

The sneaker fetish was pushed through the gay porn scene. But what makes sneakers so special as fetish? The classic sneaker fetishist likes prodigious brand shoes. Nothing cheap like Deichmann and Co.'s. There must be brands like Nike, Adidas, or DC. These brands have brought a large number of sneakers onto the market, especially for the younger target group. This was 1989, today the users are older. However, they continue to wear the sneakers, from the same brands as before. The sneakers still feel young, sporty, and cool.

Skaters especially love the shoes, as the great sole makes skating on the board easier. The look is very similar to the Nike Air Mags from the 80ies to today. This is exactly what the sneaker fetishists are doing. Not all sneakers are accepted by a sneaker fetish. Just because they come from a certain brand does not mean that the fetish starts.

What makes sneakers a fetish?

The sneakers of the lovers usually have a particularly large sole and are made of high-quality materials such as leather. In addition to this, often modern colours are incorporated - quite the opposite of the classic dark or brown shoes from everyday life.

Porno Labels have taken up this trend and combine skaters and proletarians with appropriate sneakers and matching outfits. And many like it. The performers are mostly between 18 and 30 years old. This is precisely the target group, which is now 30+. And the younger generations also take over the style. People over 30 continue to wear jogging pants and caps - in the style of the skater.

The sneaker fetish shows that persons are usually identified with younger, pearly occurring persons.

Integrated into the porn industry, the fetish has also transferred to today's younger generation. The image of the sneaker remains unchanged. Added to the sneakers matching style - The youthful skater style.

Sex with sneakers

The erotic films make it happen: Not only wearing sneakers, the supporters even look great. They also distribute their sperm and into the Sneakers. Some use the sneaker directly as a masturbator. The penis is inserted into the shoe opening so that the glans reaches almost to the front of the shoe and then the masturbation can move his hip like during sex. The friction on the shoe's inner surface ultimately provides for a strong excitation until the sperm comes.

Sneaker sniffing

Sneakers can not only be worn. By wearing the sneakers, the sweat is specifically transferred to the shoes. Everyone creates an individual odour note. Many sneaker fetishists feel so comfortable to inhale the smell of other sneakers.

For this purpose, a sneaker can be slipped over the nose so that the smell can be completely inhaled. This may not be everyone, but many are excited by it.

Sneaker licking

For fans of master-slave games, the licking of sneakers is interesting. This, too, is not new. Let's look into the hetero BDSM world, also lick there submissively the high-heels of your mistress.

This has spread to the Gay BDSM world as well. Only instead of high-heels are sneakers now licked. The tongue gently cleans the leather of the sneakers.

Michael J Fox with Nike Air Mag
Converse Rainbow
Adidas Superstar
Licking Nike

Playing, Trashing, Destroying and even Burning sexy Sneakers

Think about it: growing up, we’re taught to take care of our belongings. If you go jumping in muddy puddles as a child, you’ll usually be subjected to a telling off by your parents. If an item of clothing tears, you’re bought a replacement, one that you’re expected to keep clean and presentable. Not only that, but advertising and consumerist mantra teaches us to lust for and adore clothes (and other consumer products in general). Resultantly, intentionally destroying them adds another layer of subversion.

How, exactly, this becomes sexualized is beyond my own capabilities of explanation. Human sexuality is perplexing and often utterly irrational – how else would you explain the fact that some people are sexually attracted to balloons, and derive pleasure from squeaking and popping them? But in regards to sneaker mutilation, I do have a theory: Power.

Oscar Wilde once said that “everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.”

Ritualistically ruining footwear or violating taboos in general can be viewed as a form of power play because it steals away some of the power that societal expectation holds over us. And that can be a real turn on for some people.


That sneakers would develop into such a fetish; the brands would certainly not have expected. Product placement can be targeted preferences; And also for sneakers. There may be other explanations that have preceded the sneaker fetish, but the way a fetish has developed in this way is unique. Whether there are other ways to the sneaker fetish, we do not know yet.

Not every sneaker fetishist finds it exciting to smell or lick on sneakers (as in sniffing). Also, the choice of sneakers is type-dependent, but if you ask a sneaker fetishist what the "right sneakers" are, then they usually have a clear answer.

How do you feel about sneakers as a fetish? Which sneakers do you think belong to the Fetishist's inventory?

Cutting Converse
Converse Ashtray
Burning Converse

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and please share with your sneaker friends!